Welcome to Wilson Law
All of us need an estate plan in place to put our affairs in order. We don’t know what the future holds for us, for our children or for our grandchildren. While each of us works hard to make sure that our loved ones are provided for and protected, these are lifetime actions. Actions we take when we are mentally and physically capable of helping our family. There will come a time when we are no longer able to personally jump in rescue our children, helping them as we might wish.In our practice we do not only focus on the documents you need, delivering highly customized estate plans to you, we create a warm and family-like environment. We want to get to know you and the goals you have for yourself and those you love most. Through counseling with you, we work to reach your goals while also saving taxes, reducing costs, protecting your family and delivering highly personalized services.
Our techniques include everything from will-based planning and living trusts to sophisticated tax and business succession strategies together with elder law planning issues. Not all estate planning practices, however, are the same. The foundation of our practice is delivering outstanding service that our clients have come to expect and deserve. We find our client’s expectations are regularly exceeded and we take pride in our client family.
We are a results-oriented firm, committed to being recognized as leaders by our clients, other legal professionals, and the community in which we live and work. We devote our practice entirely to serving clients throughout the Williamsburg, Hampton Roads/Tidewater area.
We invite you to contact us today to begin planning for your future.

Trust Planning
Estate planning is for every husband, wife, mother, father, grandparent, business owner, professional, or anyone else who has someone they care about, are concerned about providing responsibly for their own well being and for the well being of those they love, and for anyone who seeks to make a difference in the lives of others after they’re gone.

Estate Administration
Revocable living trust planning is the process of designing a plan for leaving your estate to loved ones in the most efficient way possible. Estate administration is the final step of this efficient process. We can help guide your loved ones through the process as sensitively and completely as possible.

Business Planning
Properly maintaining and managing your business is crucial to ensuring your business’s long term success. In order for your business to fully and consistently enjoy the legal benefits and protections that exist under the law certain legal procedures must be consistently followed and properly documented.

Client Maintenance Plan
Members of our program say it reminds them of the “olden days” when their parents had a “family lawyer who was involved in everything”. When you utilize our Maintenance Program you keep us involved in your important life changes. As one of our wonderful clients enthusiastically stated, “You worry so we don’t have to.”

Elder Law
Although we work with families every day who are in the midst of a long-term care crisis, the best elder law planning is done well in advance of any foreseen complications. While you are able we work together, actively making the choices, for how you want things handled should you not longer be able to make these choices for yourself.

VA Disability
The unfortunate truth is that many military families are unaware of the benefits available to them for their military service. An attorney specializing in disability law and veteran’s benefits can best help you navigate the challenging process of obtain the benefits you deserve and are entitled to under the law.